“Topic of the Week: Biomechanics – A Look into the Future”[link] Broadcast on Channel 3 (Kanal 3), January 30, 2025 (in German).
“Biomechanics with Heart” [pdf] Appeared under the topic "Styrian of the Day" in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", p. 19, December 20, 2024 (in German).
"TU Graz Wins Highly Endowed ERC Synergy Grant for Biomechanical Heart Research" [link] Appeared at "TU Graz News", November 5, 2024.
“An honorary doctorate awarded to Professor Gerhard A. Holzapfel” [link] Appeared as an online article at École des Mines de Saint-Étienne as part of “Panoramines, news from MINES Saint-Étienne”, June 20, 2024 (in French).
“When the Engine of Our Body Becomes Sick” [link] Appeared as an online article at Graz University of Technology as part of “Planet Research”, February 5, 2024 (in German).
Research results on the cover page of the "Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease", 10(3), 2023. [pdf]
"When the Pressure in the Chest Increases" [pdf] appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Die Presse", p. W3, March 18, 2023 (in German).
"Vitamin B may also play a role in vascular health" [link] [link] appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", January 20, 2023 (in German) and in the "Austrian Press Agency", January 17, 2023 (in German).
"Graz University of Technology: Most Cited Researchers in Computer Science" [pdf] Appeared under the topic "Bright Minds" in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung" , p. 24, March 17, 2022 (in German).
"The constitutive model of the scaffold material developed by the TU Graz agrees well with mechanical tests performed by Leartiker" [link] Appeared in the Newsletter of "SimInSitu" (In-Silico Development and Clinical-Trial-Platform for Testing In-Situ Tissue Engineered Heart Valves), February 21, 2022)
"Graz researcher calculated properties of the main artery muscle" [link] [pdf] Appeared in the online newspaper "derStandard.at", January 12, 2022 (in German)
"Graz researchers: muscle cells in the main artery are puzzlingly inclined" [link] Appeared within the rubric "Science" in the "Austrian Press Agency", November 17, 2021 (in German)
"New insights into aortic dissection" [link] Press release, June 17, 2021
"With passion for the heart wall" [pdf] Appeared under the topic "Styrian of the Day" in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", p. 16, June 9, 2021 (in German).
Research results on the cover page of the International Journal for "Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering", 36(7), 2020 [pdf]
Biomechanics at Graz University of Technology: A Fusion of Different Disciplines [pdf] Appeared in the journal of "ÖIAV – Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift", pp. 44-45, No. 164, May 2020 (in German).
Our Body: a Technical-Biological Machine? [pdf] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Die Presse" (on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Austrian Science Fund, FWF), pp. XXVIII-XXIX, September 7, 2018 (in German).
"The Mathematics of the Human Body" [link] Appeared at: "TU Graz News", March 28, 2018.
"Aorta: Successful Cooperation" [link] Appeared at: "medunigraz online", February, 2018 (in German).
"German Aortic Award Goes to a Research Group in Graz" [pdf] Appeared at: "Ärzte Steiermark", February, 2018 (in German).
"Investigation of Aortic Dissections using Simulation" [pdf] Appeared in: "Der Standard. Forschung", Nr. 3, November 2017 (in German).
"Biomechanics: Measuring the Human Body" [pdf] Appeared in: "TU Graz research", 2017-2, No. 18, p. 4-9.
"In Between Aorta and Microelectronics" [pdf] Appeared in the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard", October 31/November 1, 2017, p. F6 (in German).
"Top Research: Financial Funding Running into Millions for TU Graz Lead Projects" [link] Appeared at "TU Graz News", October 30, 2017.
"Making Surgical Screws from Bones" [link] Appeared on "ORF.at", September 28, 2017 (in German). Versions in English [link] and Dutch [link]
"Biomechanics: Measuring the Human Body" [link] Appeared at "TU Austria", June 30, 2017. Version in German [link]
"Diseased Abdominal Aorta: Scientists Want to Better Assess the Risk" [link] Appeared within the rubric "Medicine & Biotech" in the "Austrian Press Agency", November 30, 2016 (in German).
"The Stuff that Hearts are Made of" [pdf] Appeared in the Austrian Newspaper "Die Presse", p. 36, September 17, 2016 (in German).
"World Leaders in Biomedical Engineering Deliver Keynote Lectures at NUI Galway Conference" [link] Appeared within the rubric "News" in "Engineers Journal, Dublin", January 29, 2016.
"Future Market Biomedicine" [pdf] Appeared within the rubric "Research, Art, Culture" in the "Steirische Berichte", 3/2015, p. 28-29 (in German). "Steirische Berichte" is the Journal for andragogy and cultural activities.
"Biomechanicians of TU Graz Model Blood Vessels on a PC" Appeared within the rubric “Natur & Technik” in the "Austrian Press Agency", March 18, 2015 (in German).
"Gerhard Holzapfel – an Award-Winning Exceptional Scientist" [pdf] Appeared in TUGraz-People-Edition 52-2014, p. 7 (in German).
"Static and Dynamics of Arteries" [pdf] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", p. 58, November 23, 2014 (in German).
"The Ten Styrian of the Decade" (winner of the category "clever minds") [link] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", p. 20, November 21, 2014 and the online version from November 20, 2014 (in German).
"Congress Award Graz 2013"[link] Appeared in the online newspaper "KleineZeitung.at", November 5, 2013, and the internet portal of the City of Graz (in German).
"Visit from Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research Professor Karlheinz Töchterle at the Institute of Biomechanics" Press release, July 11, 2013 (in German): [link]
"Ultramodern Microscopy-Technology Allows Novel Insights into the Microstructure of the Human Artery Wall"[pdf] Appeared in "botenstoff 01.13", March 2013, p. 18 (in German). "Botenstoff" is a quarterly newspaper published by Human.technology Styria GmbH, which is an economic initiative focused on strengthening the competitive capabilities of Styrian companies, institutions and scientific bodies working in the field of human technology.
"Researcher from Graz `Look Through´ the Aorta"[link] Appeared on "ORF.at", December 27, 2012 (in German).
"Researcher from Graz Make the Aorta Transparent"[link][link] Appeared in the online newspapers "WienerZeitung.at", "KleineZeitung.at", December 27, 2012 and "derStandard.at", December 29, 2012 (in German).
"Biomechanician Analyze Artery-Microstructure"[pdf] Appeared in the online newspaper "derStandard.at", July 7, 2012 (in German).
"Engineers on Duty of Medicine" [link] Appeared online in the Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", July 5, 2012 (in German).
"Growth Modeling of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms – New Knowledge/Techniques obtained from an NIH-Project in Biomechanics at TU Graz with Societal Implications"[pdf] Appeared in the research journal of TU Graz, June 2012.
"The Mechanics of Human Pipe Systems"[link] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Der Standard", February 8, 2012 (in German).
"Engineer for Arteries" [pdf] Appeared under the topic "Styrian of the Day" in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", p. 18-19, December 4, 2011 (in German).
"Erwin Schrödinger Prize 2011"[link] Appeared in the Newspapers "Der Standard, Die Presse, Kleine Zeitung, Wiener Zeitung, TU Graz people, ..." (in German).
"Brainstorm"[pdf] Appeared in "G7 Die Stadtzeitung", October 9, 2011, p. 8 (in German).
"Scientific Cooperation. NIH-Project in Biomechanics at Graz University of Technology"[pdf] Appeared in: "TU Graz research", 2009-1, No. 1, p. 32-35.
"@neurIST Research Highlights. Modeling of Saccular Cerebral Aneurysm Walls" [pdf] Appeared in the Newsletter Issue 10 "@neurIST", January-March 2009, p. 3-4. @neurIST is an EU Project on integrated biomedical informatics for the management of cerebral aneurysms.
"Anniversary Exhibition: 40 Years FWF for all Austria" [pdf] Appeared in: "Info", 2009, No. 1, p. 62-63 (in German). "Info" is the Magazine of the Austrian Science Fund.
"Petition Research"[pdf][pdf] Appeared in: "Kleine Zeitung", February 7, 2009, p. 16-17; "Die Woche", March 4, 2009, p. 6-7 (in German).
"When Arteries form a Hardened Skin"[pdf] Appeared in: "Business Lounge", February 7, 2009, p. 20 (in German). "Business Lounge" is a Magazine for Styria and Carinthia which appears as an attachment in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Die Presse".
"Modeling Cracks in Clogged Arteries"[pdf] Appeared in: "Biomedical Computation Review", published by Simbios, an NIH National Center for Biomedical Computing, Winter 2008/2009, Volume 5, Issue 1, p. 7.
"With the License to Imitate"[pdf] Appeared in the Newsletter "UNI Kleine Zeitung", November 2008, p. 10 (in German). "UNI Kleine Zeitung" is a Newsletter for Undergraduates and University members.
Inaugural Lecture of G.A. Holzapfel on "Current topics in biomechanics within the area of engineering, medicine and biology". [link to gallery] Graz University of Technology, Austria, June 5, 2008.
"Han kollar hållfasthet - på cellnivå" [pdf] Appeared in the web magazine "Tentakel", October 2007, No. 8 (in Swedish). "Tentakel" is a web magazine from the Swedish Research Council. Topics are chosen from natural science and engineering science.
"G.A. Holzapfel: Since 1st of February Professor of Biomechanics at the Institute of Biomechanics" [pdf] Appeared in the "Research Journal of TU Graz", SS 2007, July 2007, p. 21 (in German).
"Bionics: Hightech from Nature" [VideoPodcast] Subject of a panel discussion within "Club Zukunft", Graz, July 4, 2007 (in German). "Club Zukunft" is the Centre for Information and Communication of the Department of Economic and Tourist Development of the City of Graz.
"Institute of Biomechanics: Univ. Prof. DI Dr Gerhard Holzapfel"[pdf] Appeared in the newsletter "E&T Info", June 2007, p. 21 (in German). "E&T Info" is a newsletter for Electrical- and Biomedical Engineering.
"Mechanician Investigates in the Depth of the Body"[pdf] Appeared in the Newsletter "UNI Kleine Zeitung", April 2007, p. 4-5 (in German). "UNI Kleine Zeitung” is a Newsletter for Undergraduates and University members.
"Technology, which Serves Health"[pdf] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", April 19, 2007 (in German).
"Fusion of Engineering with Medicine"[pdf] Appeared within the rubric "Research and Science" in the "Steirische Berichte", 3-4/2007, p. 32-33 (in German). "Steirische Berichte" is the Journal for andragogy and cultural activities.
"TU Graz Speeds up Biomechanics"[pdf] Appeared within the rubric "Life Sciences" in the "Austrian Press Agency", February 9, 2007 (in German).
"TU Graz obtains his own Institute of Biomechanics"[link] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Österreich", February 2, 2007 (in German).
"Own Institute of Biomechanics"[pdf] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Wiener Zeitung", February 2, 2007 (in German).
"Construct the Health"[pdf] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Der Standard", January 31, 2007 (in German).
"Exemplary Schrödinger Careers" [link] Appeared at the "FWF-Portal der Erwin-Schrödinger-StipendiatInnen" on the website of the "FWF Austrian Science Fund", January 2006 (in German). The "FWF-Portal der Erwin-Schrödinger-StipendiatInnen" lists all Erwin Schrödinger Scholars since 1985 and describes exemplary Schrödinger careers. An Erwin Schrödinger Scholarship for foreign countries is for young graduates of all disciplines who have distinctive qualification.
"Boston Scientific Explores Model Research"[pdf] Appeared in the Newsletter "Heartbeat", May 2005, p. 6. "Heartbeat" is a Newsletter for Boston Scientific Employees at Maple Grove & Plymouth in Minneapolis, USA.
"Professur Ger Skjuts åt Biomekanik"[pdf] Appeared in "Campi", April 2005; No. 1/05, p. 6-7 (in Swedish). "Campi" is a Newsletter published by the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
"Blood Vessels Virtually Dilated"[pdf] Appeared on the homepage of the "Technologieportal der Steirischen Wirtschaftsförderung", October 20, 2004 (in German). This is a platform for service and information for companies in order to develop new products, new procedures and new services.
"Tissue Engineering - Künstliches Gewebe"[pdf] Appeared within the rubric "Life Sciences" in the "Der Standard", July 2, 2004 (in German).
"Stretching Arteries"[pdf] Appeared within the rubric "Science" of the Austrian weekly News Magazine "Profil", 35/2004, March 8, 2004, p. 127 (in German).
"Three-Dimensional Views of Atherosclerotic Arteries" and "Passion for Pioneering Work"[pdf] within the Series "Brainstorm", appeared within the rubric "Specific Science" in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Der Standard", September 13, 2003, p. A4 (in German).
"Josef Krainer-Würdigungspreis for TU-Scientist Gerhard A. Holzapfel"[pdf] Appeared in Issue 6 of the TU Graz Newsletter "TUG PRINT" April 17, 2003, p. 10 (in German).
"Awards and Artery Balloons"[pdf] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Der Standard", March 25, 2003 (in German).
"Engineer for Arteries"[pdf] Appeared under the topic "Styrian of the Day" in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Kleine Zeitung", p. 13, March 24, 2003 (in German).
"Balloon Angioplasty" Broadcasted in Ö1 of the Austrian Radio, within the series "Dimensions – World of Science", March 7, 2003, 7:05 pm.
"Dilation of Vessels are now more Safe" Broadcasted in Ö1 of the Austrian Radio, within the series "Current Knowledge", February 28, 2003, 1:55 pm.
"Biomechanics and Mechanobiology"[pdf] Appeared in the first Issue of the "Research Journal of TU Graz", WS 2001/2002, January 2002, p. 43 (in German).
Research results on the cover page of the American Journal "Annals of Biomedical Engineering", 30(6), 2002 [pdf]
"Numerically Disassembled Blood Vessels"[pdf] Appeared in "START and Wittgenstein Prize 1996-2000", June 2001, p. 30-31 (in German). A publication with respect to the quinquennial existence of research awards, edited by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
"Structural Analysis on the Heart"[pdf] Appeared within the rubric "Science and Technology" in the German weekly News Magazine "Der Spiegel", Issue 19/1999, May 10, 1999 (in German).
"Balloon Dilatation of Atherosclerotic Blood Vessels, Computersimulation with Clinical Relevance"[pdf] Appeared within the rubric "Reports from Research" in "TU-Bericht 1998/1999", 1999, p. 18 (in German).
"Blood Vessels, Numerically Separated"[pdf] Appeared in: "Brainstorms: Portraits of Important Austrian Scientists" by Michael Freund, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, New York, 1997, pp. 141-143 (in German).
Portrait within the series "Austrian Scientists"[pdf] Appeared in the Austrian Daily Newspaper "Der Standard", September 23, 1997 (in German). The same article appeared in the "ÖMV Newspaper", September 1997.
"START-Award 1997"[pdf][pdf] Appeared in the Newspapers "Profil Extra (Universities)", "Der Standard", "Die Presse", "Salzburger Nachrichten", "Kleine Zeitung", "Wiener Zeitung", "Österreichische Hochschulzeitung" (in German).
"Computersimulation Leads to an Optimization of the Therapy of Atherosclerosis" [pdf] Appeared in: "Ärzte Woche", March 13, 1996 (in German).