Unknown Mechanical Characterization of Soft Tissue In Vivo by Microstructural Imaging and Physics-Informed Neural Networks: Bridging the Gap Between Biomechanics and Clinical Practice (MechVivo)
Computational biomechanics is a fast-growing area of science. However, many of its fruits have not yet been translated into clinical practice. The main barrier to the translation of computational biomechanics into clinics is the lack of information about... [read more]
Unknown Passive and active mechanical properties of arteries
Atherosclerosis of coronary and carotid arteries is the leading cause of mortality and disability in industrialized nations. Both arteries are of great biomedical and clinical interest interest because they are prone to atherosclerosis... [read more]
Unknown Cardiovascular Function and Biomechanics in HHcy
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Among CVD, ischemic heart disease, stroke and peripheral artery disease, the main factor of which is atherosclerosis, remain the most common manifestations of CVD. Atherosclerosis... [read more]
Unknown Does Time Heal All Wounds? – Predicting Accute and Long-term Damage in Blood Vessels
A frequent side effect of common surgical interventions (e.g., balloon angioplasty with or without stenting) is mechanical overloading of the affected or surrounding tissue. This may lead to acute damage and, if not immediately problematic, trigger longer-term ... [read more]
Unknown In-Silico Testing and Validation of Cardiovascular IMplantable devices (SIMCor)
The complexity and speed of technological innovation with ever shorter product cycles leads to an enormous demand for standardized best practices in order to apply in-silico validation methods in a statistically ... [read more]
Unknown In-Silico Development- and Clinical-Trial-Platform for Testing In-Situ Tissue Engineered Heart Valves (SimInSitu)
SimInSitu is aiming to develop a sophisticated in-silico method to predict the short- and long-term behavior of in-situ tissue engineered heart valves (TEHV) by combing advanced tissue remodeling algorithms with a ... [read more]
Unknown Mechanical and Microstructural Analysis of Stomach Tissue
With over 20% of the world’s population suffering from obesity and stomach cancer being the sixth common cancer and the fourth leading cause of cancer death globally, gastrectomy has become a reliable ... [read more]
Brain Investigating the Role of Porous and Viscous Effects in Human Brain Tissue
Computational modeling in biomechanics facilitates important insights into the underlying mechanisms of cerebral pathologies and neurological disorders. Understanding and characterizing the ... [read more]
Brain Biomechanical Investigations of Arterial Damage during in vitro Stenting Simulation (LAESIO)
The LAESIO project, on which engineers will be working with the support of medical doctors, biologists and mathematicians, tries to clarify what happens from a biomechanical and structural perspective ... [read more]
Actin Network Continuum Mechanical Modeling of Actin Networks
The cytoskeleton is the main promoter of cell stiffness and plays a crucial role in maintaining the cell shape. It is involved in cell migration, cell division and active contraction. Interactions are ... [read more]
Collagen Fiber Morphology Quantification of Collagen Fiber Morphologies utilizing Multiphoton Microscopy
The mechanical behavior of an arterial wall is mainly governed by the organization and composition of the three major microstructural components: collagen, elastin, smooth muscle cells. Their influence ... [read more]
Aortic Dissection Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Aortic Dissection
During aortic dissection an intimal tear in the aortic wall propagates into the media to form a false lumen within the vessel wall, which can quickly lead to death. Surgical treatment for aortic dissection ... [read more]
lead1 Mechanics, Modeling and Simulation of Aortic Dissection
In the Lead project a consortium of scientists from biomechanical-, civil-, electrical-, and mechanical engineering, computer science, mathematics, and physics from TU Graz has set itself the goal ... [read more]
Supraphysiological loading conditions Biomechanics of Arterial Walls under Supra-Physiological Loading Conditions
This DACH project deals with the analysis and modeling of traumatic degenerations of overstretched arterial walls that occur in therapeutical interventions ... [read more]
AAA Biomechanical Characterization of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a vascular pathology associated with permanent and localized dilatation (ballooning) of the abdominal aorta. The continuous growth ... [read more]
MSA Multiscale Biomechanical Investigation of Human Aortas
Arteries have a remarkable ability to adapt in response to altered hemodynamics, disease progression, and injury. Altered arterial tissue properties in diseased conditions such as atherosclerosis arise from ... [read more]
figure1 Computational Modeling of Vesicle-Mediated Cell Transport
One important characteristics of eukaryotic cells are the enormous complexity of their membrane anatomy and the high level of organization of the transport processes. The surprisingly precise manner of ... [read more]
ILT Modeling of Intraluminal Thrombus Formation
Effective biomechanical modeling of the development of an intraluminal thrombus (ILT) has the potential to help us answer the question "Why do certain abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) grow ... [read more]
Aortic Aneurysms Biomechanical Simulation of Evolving Aortic Aneurysms for Designing Intervention
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) are most common in men aged 65 and older, and the incidence of this disease is therefore on the rise in our aging population. It is universally agreed that ... [read more]
Human Myocardium Biaxial Tensile and Triaxial Shear Measurements of the Human Myocardium, and Related Continuum Modeling
In the research area of cardiac mechanics and electrophysiology it is of utmost importance ... [read more]
Human Abdominal Adipose Tissue Biomechanical and Histo-Structural Investigations of Human Abdominal Adipose Tissues: a Basis for Preoperative Simulations
A considerable number of plastic surgery procedures relate to reconstructive ... [read more]
Articular Cartilage Characterization and Computational Modeling of Articular Cartilage
Cartilage tissue is a multi-phase material composed of fluid, electrolytes, chondrocytes, collagen fibers, proteoglycans and other glycoproteins, and it contains a fiber network of ... [read more]
SCATh SCATh - Smart Catheterization
Modern medicine is irreversibly shifting towards less invasive surgical procedures. Conventional open surgery approaches are systematically being replaced by interventions that reduce access ... [read more]